LMJ-PETAL User Group

LMJ-PETAL Academic Access Experiments
Two calls for proposals for "academic access" experiments on LMJ-PETAL have already been issued, in July 2014 and April 2016. Six campaigns were selected; three of them have already been carried out in 2017, 2019, and 2020.
More information on the Academic Access program: userLMJ@cea.fr
October 4th-5th, 2018: First LMJ-PETAL User Meeting
Around 200 participants gathered for the first User Meeting of the LMJ-PETAL facility on October 4th and 5th, 2018, at the ILP building close to LMJ (near Bordeaux). The purpose of this event was to make the LMJ-PETAL facility better known to plasma physicists, and to the broader High Energy Density physicists community.
The two days were dedicated to presentations of the LMJ-PETAL facility, its target diagnostics, and the first "academic access" experiments carried out within the framework of the 1st call for proposals.
More information on the User Meeting: userLMJ@cea.fr
The Program
Other publications
LMJ-PETAL target diagnostics: technical informations
X-ray Imagers
GXI-1, Gated X-ray Imager (high resolution)
GXI-2, Gated X-ray Imager (medium resolution)
SHXI, Streaked Hard X-ray Imager (medium resolution)
SSXI, Streaked Soft X-ray Imager (high resolution)
UPXI and LPXI, Upper and Lower Pole X-ray Imager
ERHXI, Enhanced Resolution Hard X-ray Imager
Optical Diagnostics
EOS Pack, Diagnostics Set for EOS Experiments
FABS, Full Aperture Backscattering System
NBI, Near Backscatter Imager
X-ray Spectrometers
DMX, Broad-band X-ray Spectrometer
Mini-DMX, Broad-band X-ray Spectrometer
HRXS, High Resolution X-ray Spectrometer
SPECTIX, Hard X-ray Spectrometer
Particles Diagnostics
Neutron Pack, Activation and nTOF Diagnostic
SEPAGE, Electron and Proton Spectrometer
SESAME, Electron Spectrometer